Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Fix facebook video on MacOS 10.5.8

Got a friend call me all the way from singapore. Complain that his niece macbook unable to play video on facebook. After getting more info from him, found out that she has a old mid 2007 macbook with only 1 gig ram and running on 10.5.8.

Looks like new flash player was not compatible with the OS. Hence ask him to download chrome and play facebook video. Then he told me new chrome unable to run on it either.

After do some search with my friend google, too bad older version of chrome is no where to be found. So I decide to dig the last workable version of flash player for 10.5.8.

Here is the link

This forum discussed where all the version of adobe flash player being archive and where to get it.

Remove the flashplayer from /library/internet plug-ins. Then run flashplayer installer. Relaunch safari and wolla!

Once again, mission accomplished. Thanks adobe for keeping the old software handy with them.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Enable Remote Disc (Drive Sharing) On Any Mac

I was checking out on a friend's macmini, found an interesting feature on it. It has a remote disk in device section on left side of finder window. And my MacBookPro doesn't has. So I did a search on google on how to hack it to display on my MBP too. And I found this blog how to tweak it to display on my MBP.

Why not all mac just display the remote disc on the finder window? Reason is simple, because my MBP has a super drive built in. Apple really hide unnecessary stuff from user to avoid confusion. But since this feature is built in, why not just leave it there. Users may need it just in case the built in drive broken.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Manage a group of email address on Maverick mail

I always like to forward emails to a group of friends. We shares alot of emails that contains jokes, nice pictures, videos, politics, thoughts etc. I have been doing it years ago when I work for a company and use outlook as our email client. All the contacts stays in outlook.

After I resigned from the company, I no longer use outlook. I find very hard to maintain my habit to forward these emails to friends because my iPhone doesn't allow me to do just what I did on outlook. Until recently I upgrade to use a mac, it comes with mavericks. And it also doesn't works like outlook.

But today I found a better way to do it. I doesn't care the recipient names so I just interested in their email addresses.

Here is the steps:

1) fires up
2) paste email addresses separated by a comma without space. So it will be 1 long line of string.
3) select / highlight the long line with the email address by tripleclick on it
4) drag the highlighted long line of email addresses to desktop

---> Then it will create a file with extension .mailtoloc. I would call it xxx.mailtoloc

5) select this xxx.mailtoloc and right click it and select get info
6) rename the extensions from xxx.mailtoloc to xxx.mailloc. Then close the info window.
7) now, double click the xxx.mailloc it will automatically open up a new email message, with all the email address in the TO column. It saves a lot of select and typing there.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

MacOS X manually remove apps and associated files

Today I was trying to compare Appzapper vs Appcleaner and see which app removes unwanted app and its associated files better. After some reading and I found that the best method is still removing them manually. But how do you know which files specifically in used by the app you intended to get rid of? Here is a method I found posted by GGJstudios in MacRumors forum that will come handy if we really need to look into it.

Here is the link : To manually remove an application and all associated files

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Add EULA into DMG file

Display EULA the moment you mount DMG file

Have you seen the End User License Agreement (EULA) the moment you run a DMG file you download an app from the internet? If you are an app developer and would like to display the EULA just before they "install" your app, this is an instruction on how you can do it in 5 minutes. 

This is the link to the below instruction :

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Advance Cut & Paste features in Mavericks

Advance Cut & Paste features in Mavericks

I bought a Mac and upgrade to Maverick this week. While exploring new stuff, I was thinking whether is it possible to do multiple copy and then paste selectively. Here I discover another features built-in to the OS itself on copy and paste features.

Here is the link

Saturday, July 27, 2013

My dell XPS M1210 intel wifi card kaput today. And I took my old iMac wifi card from broadcom and put into my dell.

Hence its running XP, its hard to get the correct driver for it. But fortunately I came across this broadcom site teaching how to identify the hardware we install into it.

After getting know the device ID, again we google keyword "broadcom dev_4312 ". And viola! Whole bunch of link to the drivers I am looking for. But still I couldn't determine which windows version the driver is for. I continue to search and saw a link in google to Keyin the device ID into the custom search and it shows the driver I am looking for.

I really impress this site how the site admin maintain this whole bunch of drivers? And also thank to him I could finally got my driver I need for my xp. This is the link

For your information, I worked 6 hours looking for this broadcom driver for my xp. And the broadcom teaching how to identify hardware is really a great help.