Sunday, November 10, 2013

Manage a group of email address on Maverick mail

I always like to forward emails to a group of friends. We shares alot of emails that contains jokes, nice pictures, videos, politics, thoughts etc. I have been doing it years ago when I work for a company and use outlook as our email client. All the contacts stays in outlook.

After I resigned from the company, I no longer use outlook. I find very hard to maintain my habit to forward these emails to friends because my iPhone doesn't allow me to do just what I did on outlook. Until recently I upgrade to use a mac, it comes with mavericks. And it also doesn't works like outlook.

But today I found a better way to do it. I doesn't care the recipient names so I just interested in their email addresses.

Here is the steps:

1) fires up
2) paste email addresses separated by a comma without space. So it will be 1 long line of string.
3) select / highlight the long line with the email address by tripleclick on it
4) drag the highlighted long line of email addresses to desktop

---> Then it will create a file with extension .mailtoloc. I would call it xxx.mailtoloc

5) select this xxx.mailtoloc and right click it and select get info
6) rename the extensions from xxx.mailtoloc to xxx.mailloc. Then close the info window.
7) now, double click the xxx.mailloc it will automatically open up a new email message, with all the email address in the TO column. It saves a lot of select and typing there.

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